Ask a firefighter if he’d prefer to run into a burning building or talk about how he’s feeling and he’ll pick the burning building because it’s the least scary option.

Mark Dobson  Ordinary Courage

Reaching in to create a mentally healthy workplace

our proactive approach

Ordinary Courage is a mental health consultancy that empowers leaders to connect with their people by taking a proactive approach to mental health.

Australian workplaces have embraced WHS – Work Health & Safety – and are looking after their teams’ physical safety.

Now they are facing the 21st century challenge of  MHS – Mental Health & Safety.

Our team of honoured and respected workplace mental health pioneers specialise in MHS, offering evidence-based strategies and solutions to create mentally fit, healthy and safe workplaces.

Our Clients

Firefighters aren’t the only people who find it hard to talk about how they’re feeling.  Despite all the publicity surrounding mental health in recent years, it’s still a subject many people find hard to broach. We work with leaders who understand the impact that good workplace mental health has on businesses and individuals – leaders who want to be at the forefront of this new era of workplace safety and who hope that affecting meaningful change will be one of their legacies.

Reaching In

Rather than waiting for your people to ‘reach out’ to seek help, Ordinary Courage provides a framework for leaders to identify and connect with team members so they can ‘reach in’ and address potential problems before they become critical. Our tailored programs create a culture where seeking help is not only encouraged but facilitated – a culture of  ‘ordinary courage’.

Ordinary Courage

Ordinary courage is the strength to connect and it can be extraordinarily hard to muster.  It’s the courage to connect with your feelings and the bravery to share them. Conversely, it’s courage to reach in and connect with someone whom you feel may not be travelling well.  And to listen, without judgement.

A Trillion Reasons Why

The strength to connect is our goal for every member of your team. We guarantee, when you embrace our principles of ordinary courage, that the positive impact on your business will be significant and measurable in terms of staff wellbeing, productivity and your bottom line.

Tailored Solutions

Our service is personal. We understand every workplace is different with its own issues, personalities and nuances so we tailor our strategies to individual companies and budgets.